This week I am coaching at a Church Planter’s Boot Camp here in Minneapolis. Boot camp may be strong wording. There is not much yelling “YES DRILL SERGEANT,” but it is a week of intense training.
It was not to many years ago that church planters were given a slap on the back and sent on their way. The slap may or may not have been meant as an encouragement. Today church planting is viewed as an amazing tool of God. Beyond that, it is kind of trendy. The danger of a ministry being trendy is that it can draw people in apart from God’s plan. That situation has the potential to hurt the planter and all people within his or her reach. This thought should not deter people from planting, but reaffirm the urgency in seeking Jesus’ direction.
With these thoughts I am reminded that Jesus has a limitless human resource department. Jesus using Amber and I in planting a new faith community is humbling and is an unbelievable honor. I can’t believe we get to do this.
I am glad you are doing it too.